Saturday, March 13, 2010

Downed Trees Galore!

My friend, as we speak, is trapped on North Street in Greenwich. He had to get off the Merritt at North Street because of a downed tree... and now they are stuck on North Street because now there are downed trees on either side of them! I am glad to be indoors with my baby, husband and sister, and white wine, and delivery from Thai Chi.

He just said to me, "I can't even ask anyone to bring me food."


Philippe said...

CT Light & Power is useless at telling us how soon a particular neighborrod is going to be back online - We're on Quarry rd. without power, and don't know when it's coming back.

Same for a couple of friends on Wire Mill rd. - someone should have a neighborood-by-neighborood map of what's happeneing...

Stamford Talk said...

Yeah- it's surprising how hard it is to get good info... I was on Twitter last night and that was pretty cool to be going back and forth with people since TV and newspapers really did not have current specifics like which smaller roads were closed!