Thursday, August 14, 2008

Monitoring Stamford from the Beach in NH

What? I haven't posted since Monday? That's a slackage record for Stamford Talk! I've been at the beach in NH with my immediate family, and we have loads of aunts and uncles and cousins and cousins' kids in the area, so we've had lots of company. I still check my RSS feeds every day so I'm up on Stamford news and blogs. The Advocate is rocking my world today with a couple of opinion-provoking pieces:

  • Editor's suggestion to decrease alcohol sales at Alive @ Five to control crowd problems.
  • Article titled "Was primary a waste of money?" about how some towns spent up to $50,000 for primaries between Lee Whitnum and Jim Himes... and Whitnum got less votes total than the amount of signatures she got to even get on the ballot.
  • A reminder that the Stamford train station will be torn down in 2010, leading to two years of parking hell for commuters.

  • I'll be back in Stamford tomorrow. I'll post ASAP when I know exactly when and where the big cricket tournament is. I do know it's this Saturday at Scalzi, but I'm waiting on details. This cricket match was the entire reason I started Stamford Talk last year, so this is a very important event.

    Also, Trump Crane is coming down this weekend, so expect road closures this Sat. from 5am to 5pm, this Sunday from 5am to 7pm, and next Sat Aug. 24 from 5am to noon.


    The Stratford Observer said...

    So it cost that much to see this racist whacko Whitnum get beaten like a stray dog? We need stocks on the town square. Make her wear a funny hat for the rest of her life to commemorate this.

    Anonymous said...

    Here is some info on Cricket Tournament:

    patty said...

    Stratford Observer? I think I love you.

    Melina said...

    Whitnum is scum...and I actually drove all the way from my "vacation" taking care of my ailing grandfather in Manhattan, in order to vote against her. When I got there and realized that the whole thing was solely about her and Himes, well....I was pissed!
    If there is a law about nuisance lawsuits, there should be a law about nuisance elections. That might've taken care of old Joementum too, when last he jumped parties and wooed the republican vote in order to prevent this very democratic state from having the democratic representation that we wanted!
    Check me on the Russia-Georgia situation later this evening...
    Being one of the political bloggers of the bunch, I should have done more on Whitnum but she is hardly worth the cyber-ink...She, like Lieberman, used the system against the citizens that she claimed to want to represent! How's that for public service? I'd like to see her pick up part of the bill considering her disgustingly low turnout. The fact that 13% even did vote for her is a testament to folks not paying attention to what is going on. Perhaps it was the Shays Democrats who were still in town...apparently the turnout was low in general!

    Anyway, welcome back home and I so wish I was in town to go to cricket!! But, unfortunately, the weekend is the roughest time to find good aides for the elderly and infirm!...I will be back during the weeks more and more, thank god...but the weekends will be tougher.

    The Roosters say cock-a-doodle-doo to you!
