We all know how bad the Ridgeway Shopping Center parking lot is, but I want to thank my friend for taking a photo today that PROVES how bad it is.
I suppose this parking lot incident could have been worse; it could have been an actual collision. However, I don't think it can get much more absurd than this. Can you imagine coming back to your car and seeing that someone has parked, no joke, less than two inches from your car? I have to assume the driver of the white car was intoxicated or otherwise out of it.
My friend who took this photo said that the family in the blue car wasn't too fazed by the white car's comically horrendous parking job, and that they seemed to find the humor in it. It took 3 people to help the family back out.
Streets of Stamford just blogged about how bad this parking lot is, and he pointed out a column in the Tuesday Advocate by Angela Carella about the lot, which includes many quotes from a Facebook page called "I Hate the Ridgeway Shopping Center Parking Lot." I really admire the man that created that page. Read more about it in the article, or go right to the Facebook page and like it!
Click here to read more.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Worst Parking Lot in the World?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Drinks 'n Jewelry Tonight In Westport: Sounds Great to Me!
A friend of mine has a jewelry company and is having an event tonight in Westport for GUYS to shop. So, send your dude, and use the ONE FREE DRINK as a hook to get him in the door! The company is called Lula Belle and there is a wide variety of jewelry styles. You can take a peek at the offerings online. My friend is incredibly charming, so I know this event will be great fun, and if she's not there, one of her sisters who runs the company with her is sure to be there. The charm gene runs in their family, so check out this event if you're in the mood to get out tonight. Um, also, BBQ? Yum.
Here is the info for tonight's event:
Bobby Q's in Westport - MENS NIGHT
Lula belle wants your men! Send them out with their male friends and let them shop for the ladies in time for the Holidays!
Buy One - Get One Free Drinks from 5:00 - 10:00pm
Bobby Q's
42 Main St
Westport, CT 06880
Click here to read more.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Bartlett Holiday Showcase Event Thursday
On this Thursday the 15th, the Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens is holding a Healthy Children’s Holiday Showcase. The purpose is to show off their new Children’s Indoor Classroom and an outdoor space called the Nature’s Explore Classroom in the Woods. Besides the tours of the space from 1-3, there are other events going on all day that look like a lot of fun:
ALL DAY: Crafts, Indoor and Outdoor Tours, Shopping, Cookies and Hot Cocoa
11-2pm Mediation 101. Starts on the hour
11:30am – 1pm Winter Wonderland Story Time with Fairy Deb
1-3pm Winter Crafts, Welcome Critters and Science in Nature’s Classroom. Plus tours of the Outdoor Natural Playground and Learning Space (Messy Materials Area, Climbing Area, Building Area, Nature’s Music)
3:00pm Stroller Strides: Making Every Day a Workout with Shanae
3:30 – 4:30pm Kids Concert with Dre ToweyI’ve got a bit of a back issue going on (did I mention I had another baby 8 days ago, and that pregnancy hormones can make your joints loosey-goosey, and for some reason I am super-susceptible to these hormones!) but I may try to hobble up to the Bartlett because this looks like a blast. That's the new baby to the right, looking like a cupcake. She's awesome.
Also, Pure Play Kids, a locally-owned online toy store, is having a trunk show at the event, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Bartlett. I’ve been ogling the store online for 2 years now and have yet to buy anything. (Hey, I’m not done Christmas shopping yet.) I want to see their stuff and meet the owner!
Click on the flier image above to read a bit more, including a little note at the bottom about a road detour.
Hope a bunch of you can make it, and if not, spread the word to your friends, and of course, you can always go to the Bartlett another day. We are so lucky to have these outdoor spaces in Stamford!
Click here to read more.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Haitian Book and Arts Festival
The toddler and I are definitely going to try to swing by this event. Has anyone ever been to it? I haven't and am very curious to know what the coolest stuff to see will be.
From the Ferg's latest newsletter:
Haitian Book & Arts Festival
Saturday, October 8 from 2 - 7 p.m.
South End Branch
Hundreds of titles in English, French and Haitian Creole. Documentaries, exhibits, live music and poetry. Presented by the Haitian-American Professionals Association of Connecticut, Inc., in partnership with The Ferguson Library South End Branch and CTE Inc.
Click here to read more.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Pumpkin Update 2: Organic Abounds
Evidently organic pumpkin is available! My friend says you can order it on Fresh Direct, and I ran across it at Whole Foods Darien yesterday. I only bought five cans, because realistically, I'll only make a few batches of pumpkin muffins. Plus, I did not want to be a pumpkin hoarder. I wouldn't do that to you guys. Happy cooking and let me know if/when/where you are finding pumpkin! Click here to read more.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Update: Full-On Pumpkin Freakout
Mrs. Green's didn't have pumpkin. (OmNomCT tells me they bought it all, but I think they're joking.)
Yesterday, my coworker swore her husband got two big cans of pumpkin at the Stop and Shop (or Shop Rite, she wasn't sure) on the border on Stamford/Greenwich on Rt. 1. I, of course, ZOOMED to both stores right after work. NO PUMPKIN. A Shop Rite employee said they'd have it in the next month, but is such a glib answer really believable? An employee at Stop and Shop said abruptly and gruffly, "We haven't had it for six months. It's the crop." Clearly, he understands how much trouble we are in.
My friend Mama Ball comments on the previous post that pumpkin will soon be in stores... she's usually right about everything, but I'm going to ask her to do some further research for me.
I am finding confusing info online about the pumpkin shortage. Some links:
--The HGTV readers seem to agree on this thread that there currently IS a shortage.
--I found several versions of an article written in 2010 about how the pumpkin crop of 2009 got destroyed, leading to a shortage in 2009, but suggesting that 2010 would be better.
Well, all my current info from grocery store employees suggests we are in another pumpkin crisis.
I MAY have a can of pumpkin shoved in the back of my pantry. Currently, it's my only hope for making the pumpkin muffins I'm craving so badly.
If you see any pumpkin around, let me know. And don't feed my any false info, you know, like my coworker did. She's clearly got some agenda.
Click here to read more.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Pumpkin Horror
I almost don't want to tell you guys this, but I feel it's my duty.
I always go into a cooking and baking frenzy in the fall, and pumpkin muffins are on the list for this week. You may or may not know that I am a bit obsessed with pumpkin. Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin spice lattes, and candy corn pumpkins are a big part of how I accept the end of summer.
The kid and I went to Stop and Shop yesterday morning to stock up on groceries, and the pumpkin wasn't in aisle 7 like it was supposed to be. I stopped an employee. "Excuse me, there's no pumpkin in aisle 7, is it somewhere else?"
"Oh we haven't had pumpkin in forever," she said. "It got recalled last year. If we have it at all, it would be in the natural foods aisle."
I tried to hold in my panic as I gathered yogurt and Drano on the way to the organic aisle... IN WHICH THERE WAS NO CANNED PUMPKIN. I came home and googled "libby's pumpkin recalled," and on a Cooking Light thread, a commenter said, "You can get more Libby's canned pumpkin than you'll ever need on Amazon." I eagerly clicked on the link provided and saw an image of a can of Libby's pumpkin with the horrifying statement, "Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock."
This situation is serious, people.
I'm stopping by Mrs. Green's later today to see if they have canned pumpkin. If not? Well, I guess I'm going to have to take the unimaginable step of BAKING A PUMPKIN and like, pureeing it myself. What a pain.
Click here to read more.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Stamford's ER Vet: Cornell University Veterinary Specialists
The husband went to India for work for the entire month of July, leaving me with a toddler and 9 year old English Coonhound to care for. With only a week left until the husband returned, I started bragging to friends that I'd managed to keep both the child and the dog alive for over 3 weeks. Of course, the next day the dog got into some baby ibuprofin, which in high enough doses can cause major problems like kidney damage and seizures. (This picture is of my dog, in one of her two modes: asleep or neurotic.)
Even though I was pretty sure the dog hadn't gotten much of the liquid, I wasn't about to blow my three week "keeping dog alive" streak. I called the vet, who recommended giving her hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Of course, that remedy didn't work on my stubborn hound. After another call to the vet, we agreed I should take her to the ER Vet. They'd be able to give her fluids to flush the kidneys, or keep her overnight so she'd be supervised if she had a seizure or something. So, at 8:45 on a Saturday night, I packed the dog and kid up into the car and headed off to Cornell University Veterinary Specialists.
CUVS is located in the South End, just south of Fairway. It's a pretty deserted area at night, which made me a little nervous, but once I got inside the building, wow- it's spacious and brand new. Best of all, the staff is great and really seems to have their system down. I filled out some paperwork while the woman at the front desk took our dog back to be looked at. The vet did some calculations and figured out that the dose she could have gotten was only enough to give her indigestion- whew! In just about an hour, we left the vet with doggie Pepcid (and the dog). The whole visit, including the 30 dollar phone call to Poison Control to confirm the calculation, only cost us 188 bucks. So much better than what I was expecting, which was leaving the dog overnight, her possibly being sick, and 4 or 500 bucks for fancy medical care.
I was very impressed with the CUVS staff. While I was there, a family with an injured cat came in, and the front desk lady was so prompt and attentive with them. She calmly said she was worried about how fast the cat was breathing and hustled the cat back to the exam rooms, but she was so gentle about it. She could have really freaked that family out, and she didn't. When the vet came out to talk to me and tell me what he'd figured out about our dog, he explained everything thoroughly and slowly- a nice change from many of the doctors I see who rush in and out of the exam rooms as fast as they possibly can.
I highly recommend Cornell University Veterinary Specialists if you ever need emergency care for your pet, and I think we are really lucky to have them in Stamford.
Click here to read more.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tapas and Avant-Garde Cooking Documentary at Avon
Put July 13 on your calendar if you like documentaries... and food!
I love both but am busy that day, but you should go and enjoy. The Avon is giving a sneak peek of the documentary El Bulli: Cooking in Progress, about one of the world's most exclusive restaurants. After the documentary, Barcelona is giving a free tapas tasting! I bet there will be wine, too, so I completely endorse this event. From the press release: ABOUT THE FILM: El Bulli has been called the best restaurant in the world and Ferran Adrià, its creator, deemed a brilliant innovator, the father of molecular gastronomy, or sometimes just a crazy chef. The restaurant, located outside of Barcelona, closes each year for 6 months, as Adrià and staff sequester themselves to concentrate on creating the new culinary wonders that will become their next 30-course menu. (The restaurant accommodates only 50 for dinner, despite two million annual requests for reservations.)
This is cooking as avant-garde art: a cocktail composed of hazelnut oil, salt, and water or a dessert of freeze-dried peppermint and ice shavings. Surrounded by bizarre hi-tech equipment, elaborate containers, chopping blocks and knives, they experiment with making mushroom juice and sweet potato meringue. Gereon Wetzel's elegant, observational documentary captures the razor-sharp, science-fiction sensibility at work. Adrià exclaims: "The more bewilderment, the better."
The film is at 7:30. See the Avon's Special Events page for more detailed info.
Click here to read more.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Recent Obsession: Sausage Egg and Cheese Sandwich
Last month I went on a big sausage egg and cheese sandwich (on a hard roll- only a hard roll is acceptable) kick. I started with the place I first became friends with the sandwich: Riverside Deli in Greenwich. That sandwich is standard but very, very good. My one complaint is that you have to order a DOUBLE egg to make the egg fill the sandwich, but then that's a teeny bit too much egg.
Vigilante's Deli on Hope St. solves the egg problem by using extra large eggs. They add a bit of an edge to their sandwich by using slightly spicy sausage. I really enjoyed their sandwich, but on a regular basis, I'd prefer to standard sausage of Riverside Deli. Still, Vigilante's is an excellent option.
Garden Catering on High Ridge Rd. in Stamford offers an OK sausage egg and cheese sandwich. The fact that I ate mine while driving (to Massachusetts) may have impacted my enjoyment of the sandwich, but I wasn't crazy over it. I'd have to try it again to identify what the problem was, but WHY would I try it again if I could get Vigilante's? Oh, right, because Vigilante's is closed on Sunday. Also, Garden Catering is really meant for fried chicken and those delicious potato cones. Best junk lunch ever.
However, I just learned of another place on Hope St. from my new favorite local blog, OMNOMCT. One of their posts tells me that Giacomo's Italian Deli has good breakfast sandwiches. They suggest putting it on the Arthur Ave bread that Jack imports from the Bronx, which goes against my hard roll love, but I'll try anything once.
One place I'll never try again is Bull's Head Diner. The sausage egg cheese sandwich I got there could not have been worse. I don't even want to talk about it.
My local Twiends recommend:
Fusaro's Market on High Ridge Rd. and Lakeside Diner Long Ridge Rd. (@kzone 8)
the breakfast burrito at Rosie's in New Canaan (@After_Words)
the Vegas at Nicholas Roberts in Norwalk (@CT_Bites)
Garden Catering, High Ridge Road - egg, chili and cheese (@HeyStamford)
@PhilippeKeb seconded Lakeside and @CT_Bites agreed with @After_Words about Rosie's breakfast burrito.
I'll probably try Fusaro's and Lakeside, because I'm all about an easy local breakfast!
Click here to read more.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Local Blog Has Scoop on Volta!
I just found the blog OMNOMCT. It's done by a local couple and they review restaurants and gossip about food. I love gossip of any type. They have lots of info about food and food events in the area, so add it to your reader... I just did!
I was happy to learn from OMNOMCT that the new gelateria to be opened right next to Bar Rosso is run by... the SAME GUY THAT DOES CAPRICCIO! I love Capriccio for fast healthy delicious food as well as (OBVIOUSLY) their fantastic outdoor seating.
I quote OMNOMCT's post about Volta:
Apparently, much like Capriccio, there will be outdoor seating, with room for about 50 people. On the menu? Yep, you guessed it gelato and crepes, but it doesn’t stop there. They’ll also serve wine and beer along with lighter cafe fare like salads and sandwiches with a French twist.
We eat at the same places over and over (Capriccio, Coalhouse Pizza, Vinny's Backyard BBQ), so I'm excited to have a new option.
Thanks for the scoop, OMNOMCT!
Click here to read more.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Bar Rosso Initial Thoughts
Bar Rosso is located in the old Bennett's Fish and Steakhouse. The inside is redone beautifully and it was very busy when we were there on Friday. We were the only people there with a kid; there were many couples on dates and several groups of friends. Bar Rosso is run by the same owners as Napa, which you KNOW I (and Robert DeNiro and Ron Howard) adore.
My initial thoughts are that the food at Bar Rosso was too heavily flavored. I love strong flavor, but the spaghetti with meatballs was very, very garlicky. The sausage that came with my chicken entree was coated in what I think was parmesan and it was just too much for me. Maybe it was because I filled up on delicious bread, though.
The husband got filet mignon and potatoes. He ate most of it (which for him is a very good sign) but said it was a bit dry. His garlicky potatoes were great.
Next time I go to Bar Rosso I'm going to try the salad and a pizza, although the buzz on twitter was that the pizza dough was a bit off. My Twiends also found the flat screen TVs annoying, but they also agreed that a new place needs time to sort itself out.
The good thing is that prices are much lower than Napa, so once Bar Rosso gets itself on track, I think it will be a great place to go. I am crazy about pizza, and to have a nice resto offer it makes my heart sing. There looked to be 24-30 outdoor seats, which should be a real boon to Bar Rosso.
My verdict is that Bar Rosso is definitely worth a visit. There is a lot on the menu and I need you to let me know what is awesome so I can try it, too.
Check out this informative write up at CT Bites:
--Behind The Scenes @ Bar Rosso's Stamford Opening
I also just found this write up at OMNOMCT which gives some suggestions for what to try and does note that they found the food to be a "bit too salty."
--Hallelujah! A feast worth waiting for.
Click here to read more.
Nurse-In! Nurse-In!
I have always wanted to be a part of a nurse-in. There's one next Tuesday at the Trumbull Mall at 12:30, but I have to work, darn it!
Last week a woman at the Westfield Trumbull Mall was told by a security guard that she had to cover up while nursing. That's clearly a violation of CT State Law, which reads, "It shall be a discriminatory practice in violation of this section: for a place of public accommodation, resort or amusement to restrict or limit the right of a mother to breast-feed her child." Unfortunately the woman felt intimidated by the guard and left.
I would have pulled out the little card I have that has the CT State Law written on it, told to guard to get away from me, promptly contacted management, and then called every media outlet in the area. It's absurd that nursing moms have to be so aware of their civil rights, but the incident at Trumbull Mall shows why.
I find it tragic that many people find the healthiest way of feeding a child* to be indecent. I know it impacts women's motivation to breastfeed, because it's inconvenient and just plain not fun to go hide in a corner if you need to feed your child. The CT State Law is in the "Human Rights and Opportunities" section. It is a human right to breastfeed.
I almost can't blame the security guard; we see breastfeeding done in public so rarely (first of all, people usually don't even NOTICE you are breastfeeding), so it makes sense that he'd be uneducated about it. It's his employer's job to make sure he and all staff are aware of the rights of their patrons, so I'm curious who holds the most responsibility for the guard's mistake. Was he properly trained?
To many people, the idea of a cover makes sense. What those people don't know is that once the kid hits 5 months or so, he realizes that having a sheet over his head while he's trying to eat is uncomfortable. He then rips the cover off, waves it around, and punches you in the face with it. Meanwhile, the whole restaurant, or airport, or park is watching the action. At a certain point, a nursing cover is way more attention-getting than uncovering your boob for 1-2 seconds, latching the kid on, and just using your shirt to cover your boob.
Anyway, if you are a nursing mom or know one who's free on Tuesday, and if she's a bit of a hell-raiser like me, please tell her about the nurse-in!
*PS- Hey, Forest Park, Georgia- notice I say CHILD, not baby. Your law limiting public breastfeeding to children under age TWO is ridiculous, unfair, and discriminatory. As someone whose two year old still nurses, I take personal offense to this arbitrary law which shows your ignorance of breastfeeding, children, and biology in general. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I state, once again, that is a human right to breastfeed a child of any age, and I'm happy I live in a state that recognizes that.
(Georgia's law is similar to CT but says it's a woman's right to breastfeed her BABY. When does a "baby" become a "child?" Who should decide that? Certainly not a bunch of strangers who don't know your kid, and certainly not a bunch of dummies who apparently care nothing about breastfeeding and its health benefits.)
There is also a school in Georgia that BANNED BREASTFEEDING ON THE PREMISES. Can you believe that? The real story is actually worse than it sounds, so you should read it. Not only was the teacher who wanted her baby brought to her during the day told she could not breastfeed her baby at school, this means that the teen moms at the school are banned from breastfeeding.
Many people also think women should just pump and use a bottle in public. Those people have probably never had cold plastic pulling at their nipples. They've probably never had to set a pump up, sit alone in a room for 10-15 minutes, break the pump down, store the milk, transport the milk, then wash all the parts and bottles that night and repack the parts in the morning. Also, decent breast pumps cost at least 200 bucks. Mine was 300. Pumping is not very fun, although I'm thankful to my pump for letting me keep nursing my kid full-time after I went back to work at ten months. Nursing your actual BABY, though, makes more milk, and is just way more comfortable. For that Georgia school to imply that breastfeeding is so dirty that it's banned on the premises... well, it makes me sick that breastfeeding moms are at the mercy of such morons.
Click here to read more.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Big C Filming at Greenwich High!
Excitingly, when I went to a meeting at Greenwich High School yesterday, the Big C was filming! Talk about dropping into my lap. My boring insurance meeting was RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the science classroom in which they were filming. I sidled up to some crew members, whispered/mouthed, “I’m just nosy,” and peeked in at the filming. Then I skedaddled, as I didn’t want to push my luck, plus I had to go listen to some really horribly boring information before rushing off to pick up the toddler.
On the way out of my meeting, I chatted up a crew guy and promised him I’d stalk them more this summer, when I only have a toddler to deal with as opposed to a toddler and a job.
Set-stalking is a real time investment; that's what you don't realize until you do it. I spent at least 6 hours stalking all over Stamford before it paid off in getting to watch DeNiro act at the train station.
I did receive other information from crew members, but since I did not identify myself as a blogger, I’m not going to blab anything.
I'll just say, I think it's totally awesome that Greenwich Schools was up for having Showtime film at GHS! SO COOL!
Click here to read more.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Touch a Shark!
I really like the Norwalk Aquarium, and this sounds like a great event.Visitor response was so positive to “Touch A Shark” in February that the special exhibit will return for an encore April 16-24 to The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk.
The special exhibit’s return corresponds to most area schools’ spring break week.
As similarly offered in February, “Touch A Shark” will feature live nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum), a comparatively docile species that tolerates having their backs gently touched by human fingers.
“We had a great response to ‘Touch A Shark’ during the winter school break,” said Chris Loynd, the Aquarium’s marketing director. “Visitors were surprised at the feel of the sharks’ tough skin. And, importantly to us, they also learned that sharks aren’t the violent bloodthirsty beasts that they’re portrayed as in the media.”
Aquarium volunteers will be on-hand to make sure the shark-human interactions are safe for both parties.
Interpretative graphics will provide details about nurse sharks and how they hunt and eat their prey, and also about how sharks sense their world.
Plus, be sure to bring your camera to “Touch A Shark” for a shark dive-cage photo opportunity! A real diving cage, used for safe approaches to large sharks, will be positioned next to the Aquarium’s cast model of a 16-foot great white shark caught in the eastern end of Long Island Sound in the 1970s. Step inside the cage and pose to look like you’re having a real underwater encounter with the largest species of predatory shark – a species you don’t want to touch.
“Touch A Shark” will be free with Maritime Aquarium general admission: $12.95 for adults, $11.95 for seniors and $9.95 for children 2-12.
For more details, go online to www.maritimeaquarium.org or call (203) 852-0700.
Click here to read more.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Filming The Big C...
On Summer St last Mon/Tues and maybe the previous weekend, too. The view from my dermatologist's office!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Click here to read more.
CHICKENS!!!!! at Audubon Greenwich, Sunday
I hate to cut and paste from a press release, but my pukey toddler will only be sleeping for a bit longer, and this event is too good to miss. You should really, really go, especially if you are a documentary lover like me. Melina Brown, who I interviewed a couple of years ago for a Stamford Times article, will be speaking! She is both kind and hilarious and totally worth meeting.
Press release:
Sunday, March 27
"Poultry for All" Event
With the film, 'Mad City Chickens'
2:00-4:30 pm, Audubon Greenwich
Raising chickens at home is getting more popular easier every year. Come be inspired to have your own coop and learn the basics of how to get started when Melina Brown, founder of the Southern CT/Westchester Backyard Poultry Meetup, and Derek Sasaki and Traci Torres, local experts and owners of Norwalk-based My Pet Chicken LLC, visit Audubon Greenwich to discuss the how-to of raising your own chickens and show some of the many unique breeds available. This event will include a presentation about what is involved with raising chickens in your backyard, a screening of the acclaimed film, 'Mad City Chickens', and ample time for Q&A.
Keep reading for more info about the film and how to RSVP.
Mad City Chickens is a sometimes serious, sometimes whimsical look at the people who keep urban chickens in their backyards. From chicken experts and authors to a rescued landfill hen or an inexperienced family that decides to take the poultry plunge—and even a mad professor and giant hen taking to the streets—it’s a humorous and heartfelt trip through the world of backyard chickendom.
Suitable for all ages. Tickets still available but RSVPs are greatly appreciated. $12/adult. Youth admitted free. National Audubon Society & Southern CT/Westchester Backyard Poultry Meetup members enjoy discounted admission ($8/adult). Audubon memberships will be available on the day of the event. To RSVP, contact Jeff Cordulack at jcordulack@audubon.org or leave a message at (203) 869-5272 x239.
Click here to read more.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bye-Bye Christmas Trees!
Yes! Trees are being collected!
Now I can truly feel like I have checked my tree of the "to do" list.
Click here to read more.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Seen: Restaurant Week Steak, Big Meli-Melo, Bad Pink Lights, Christmas Trees!
I just noticed that Morton's is participating in this year's Restaurant Weeks! A $30.11 dinner is a GREAT deal and I recommend trying it if you haven't done so. The deals start Sunday the 27th and go through Sunday March 13.
I also noticed that the fabulous crepe and soup resto, Meli-Melo in Greenwich, has at least DOUBLED it's dining space! No longer will you have to stand outside or cram in beside strangers on stools to grab one of the coveted 20-24 seats... the renovated, enlarged space is brighter and more inviting. I highly recommend the carrot-ginger soup.
Something BAD I noticed today was a red truck with PINK headlights. It was very distracting. Is there a law about headlight color? Or can we put whatever color lights we want on our car to shine at other drivers? I just think that is obnoxious.
I also noticed many CHRISTMAS TREES on the roadsides... I hope Stamford will pick up trees before it snows again!
Click here to read more.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Christmas Trees: Sticking Around Stamford
So, we put our tree out in mid-January to make sure we didn't miss the city's tree collection date. I read in the paper that they'd start collecting south of route 1 on January 18. I was sure the tree would be soon out of my life and I'd have one more item checked off my "to do" list. Then, snow happened. And more snow.
Now, it's February 4, and our tree is hidden under several feet of plowed and replowed snow. At the rate this weather's going, that tree will be here until April.
Did anyone's tree get removed?
Click here to read more.
Monday, January 17, 2011
New Blog: Talk About Norwalk!
I am so happy to introduce you to a new blog about... NORWALK! Talk About Norwalk is written by a former coworker of mine who grew up in Norwalk and currently lives there with her family. Suzanna's posts so far are the perfect balance of interesting (busting on a restaurant!) and informative (recommendation for where to take stir-crazy kids). Please check it out and pass the link on to any one you know you lives in Norwalk. I am confident that Talk About Norwalk is going to be THE blog about Norwalk.
You can also follow Suzanna on twitter at @talknorwalk. And follow me as @stamfordtalk!
Click here to read more.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Friday Snow: Were We On Our Own?
Did the city of Stamford not hear about today's snow? After I saw a school bus skid off a side road in Greenwich, I figured I'd go 95 and Wash Blvd home. The bottom half of Wash Blvd was slushy, but above Bridge Street, it appeared to be a sheet of slushy ice. Surely not, I thought as I crept along behind a line of traffic at a turtle's pace. I must be imagining that! Why would the biggest north-south artery in Stamford be a sheet of ice!?! And then I saw the van in front of me fishtail. Indeed, it was ice.
(See closeup of ice below, and see ice in front of my car in photo above.)I don't get it. Where's the sand?
One side road near my house was fine. The road my house is on: a disaster, and it's kind of a busy cut through.
I did not see a single plow, sander or salter on my 25 minute drive through Stamford. Maybe I missed them, but the response to snow that I saw- at the exact time most children in the city were either riding a bus home, walking home, or being driven home- was not good at all.
My Twiend (twitter friend) reports that her road was plowed and salted, and I know we're in the same 'hood, so maybe it was just an uneven response by Stamford?
Click here to read more.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Duo Reincarnated as Kokoro on Greenwich Ave!
I was SO excited to see, on a Kokoro postcard that my coworker brought back from her sushi run, the phrase "WE HAVE MOVED TO GREENWICH- FORMERLY DUO & PLATEAU (STAMFORD)".My coworker said it was the best sushi she's ever had in Greenwich. Kokoro is somewhere on the bottom half of the Ave.
I assume they moved because more people are spending money on sushi on the Avenue?
A quick glance at the website shows a resto that looks a lot like Duo and a menu that's a mix of both Plateau and Duo. Happily, the amazing Spicy Tuna Pizza appetizer is still served!
Duo was one of my favorite restaurants and I'm happy to see its owners- and amazing food- are still around.
Click here to read more.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Burgers Shakes and Fries, Darien: Good
We hit the new BSF in Darien and were pleased.The good:
- Burgers nicely cooked, bread delightfully buttery. The baby liked both, so I had to order him his own burger.
- The onion rings were crunchy and yum.
- The staff was prompt and helpful.
- The manager responded kindly and positively to my comment about them needing to order child seats ASAP. (They're ordered but haven't arrived.)
- Parking is easy.
- Huge bottle of ketchup on every table.
- Fries were the teensiest bit too soft.
- I found the sweet tots (sweet potato tater tots) way too sweet.
- Your husband can't read your mind, so he didn't get you cheddar and pickles on your burger.
- Your kid will eat too much of the burger and shake you were supposed to share.
Definitely worth a revisit. Bring friends so you can share the side dishes and sample everything!
BSF is right across from the Starbucks on the other side of the Post Road, but you go to the next light so you can park behind BSF.
Thanks to Chris Preovolos of Lunch Break Chronicles for alerting me to the opening of BSF! See his post for nicer pics. Click here to read more.